5 Healthy Ice Cream Alternatives To Try

5 Healthy Ice Cream Alternatives To Try

A time-honored, classic treat is ice cream, but generally speaking, your Haagen-Dazs or Breyers just don’t fit the bill when it comes to sticking to a healthy routine. So what are our options for satisfying our sweet tooth without suffering all the guilt? Lucky for...
How To Make Healthy Choices When Eating Out

How To Make Healthy Choices When Eating Out

Should You Still Be Eating Out? The summer months are busy with traveling, vacations, and enjoying the sunny weather. A lot of people end up eating out when traveling or on vacation for the convenience, ambiance, and diversity of food. Sometimes, it’s not the...
10 High Protein Snacks

10 High Protein Snacks

Why High Protein Snacks? Many snacking options are high in refined sugars, carbs, and, well, not much else. This can be a problem when you’re trying to keep your calories low, nutrients high, and avoiding empty calories. Snacking is a healthy and natural thing...