We all want it and are all on an never-ending search to figure out how to lose weight fast. It’s commonly thought that losing anything beyond 1-2 lbs a week is considered “rapid” weight loss and deemed an unhealthy, unsafe, and mentally taxing way to lose those extra pounds. However, recent studies have shed some light on this topic of losing weight fast and this promising new data may warrant another review of it all; fast weight loss can actually have positive, sustainable results.

While we’re all unique and lose weight at different rates via different strategies, the Federal Guideline indicates that on average the healthy range in which to lose weight is 1-2 lbs per week. Anything past that, say 2-4 lbs weekly, is considered “rapid” weight loss and is associated with unsafe outcomes towards the health of our bodies.

Jumping on a rapid weight loss diet (or super low-calorie crash diet that provides no nutritional balance) certainly does make it more likely for one to experience negative affects like:

  • Muscle loss
  • Nutritional deficiencies
  • A drop in metabolic rate

All of which have negative impacts toward effective weight loss!

When weight loss is not done right per each particular individual’s needs, these weight loss roadblocks become detrimental towards weight loss no matter the speed of the program. Whether it be losing weight fast or losing weight slow – balance, support, and discipline are key factors when it comes to weight loss. Let’s take a deeper look at why many determine that losing weight fast is unsafe…


2 common misconceptions about losing weight fast:


  1. You can’t maintain weight loss after you reach your goal weight: A common thought is that losing weight fast doesn’t stick. You’re typically cutting food and liquid intake to the extreme when shedding pounds quickly resulting in lack of nutrients and water. AKA: You’re dehydrated! Those initial lbs dropped are most likely water weight. Low and behold… when you jump back into your normal routine of eating and drinking, your H20 goes back up – and so does your weight. Recent studies have shown that rapid weight loss is not only safe and effective, but sustainable long-term!
  • When cutting intake, but maintaining hydration and a balanced diet, you can safely work to avoid water loss and lose weight in the right area.


  1. It’s unhealthy and unsafe for your body: For many fast-track fad diets that promise you’ll lose 50 pounds in 20 days, you’ll see that you might be losing weight, but losing the WRONG weight (refer back to misconception 1). When losing weight, you want to drop fat – not water, muscle, or nutrients. Many low-calorie, fad diets don’t usually provide the balance a body needs, so they end up pulling energy from other areas other than our fat storage, which can cause health issues. It’s extremely important to incorporate balance in any diet if you’re looking to burn fat stores. Loss of water, muscle, and nutrients is in fact unhealthy and not what you want to lose out on.

But, what if you could naturally and safely achieve your weight loss goals and quickly? Well here’s the deal on how to lose weight fast…

Based off recently completed studies about weight loss we now know that you can safely and significantly cut calories for a short period of time to…

  • Drop weight quickly – see study details here
  • Drop weight quickly and maintain long-term weight loss – see study details here
  • Drop 20+ pounds see study details here

You should never simply count calories to achieve fast weight loss results; there is more to it than that. You could in turn actually harm your body’s efforts toward weight loss and even gain weight when attempting an unsafe and unhealthy weight loss routine. The best way to lose weight fast is through a balanced diet aimed at fat-loss – quality and quantity both play significant parts.


Things to keep in mind:


  1. Don’t cut out what you need – When cutting calories significantly its extremely important to still keep balance in mind and provide additional nutritional support your body to fill in any nutritional gaps. Your diet should include lean proteins, fresh veggies, fruits, and lots of H20.
  2. Do consult with your physician – Before choosing to opt into a fast track weight loss routine, be sure it’s safe for your body. Our bodies are all different, be sure fast weight loss will not exacerbate any underlying health issues.
  3. Don’t starve yourself – Calorie deficit is key, but if you’re not watching closely you can go too far which triggers your body to go into starvation mode. Your metabolism will slow in effort to conserve energy and weight loss will become much more difficult.
  4. Do get a smart scale – Smart scales not only show your weight loss progression, but show you where you’re losing the weight so you can adjust your diet as needed. You can determine if you’re losing fat, muscle, water, etc. To ensure safety and success while on the Weight Loss Direct programs, each WLD client uses the Tanita BC-1000 Smart Scale. They make the difference.

Figuring out how to lose weight fast in a healthy and safe way for our individual bodies can be a challenge. However, where there’s a will there’s a way and there is a way to lose weight quickly and safely. Are you ready? Learn more about WLD 20 Day or 40 Day weight loss programs.

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