When it comes to health and development protein is king! Protein is one of the most plentiful and diverse substances in our bodies. There are over 10,000 different protein types and many of them are essential building blocks for our bones, muscles, cartilage, skin, enzymes, and so much more.

While practicing a balanced diet its essential to overall health, it is important we get the proper amount of protein for our individual bodies. We’re all different in many ways and our healthy diets will look different too. So how do we get the right amount of protein?


What are proteins?

Before we discuss how to get a healthy amount of protein into our diets it can be helpful to understand how the human body uses protein.

Proteins are synthesized inside our bodies from about 20+ amino acids. Amino acids can’t be stored in our bodies so we can only get them two ways: synthesized from existing materials or through our food. 11 amino acids are produced from scratch by our bodies and the other 9 amino acids can only come from our food. These 9 amino acids have been labeled essential amino acids.

Any food that contains protein will have at least some of our essential amino acids  but only a few foods, known as complete proteins, have all 9 essential amino acids.  Some examples of complete proteins include eggs, poultry, quinoa, and soybeans.



How much protein do you need in your diet?

We know that our bodies need specialized proteins to grow and it is important we get enough protein in our diets but a balanced diet is also important. So how do you make sure you are getting enough protein but not too much?

According to a review of optimal protein intake if a person eats three meals a day they should eat anywhere from 25 – 30 grams of high quality protein per meal. This amount of protein is thought to be sufficient for both younger and healthy older adults but it is just an average. Basing your diet off of an average is not the worst thing in the world but people will generally see the best results from a thoughtful diet that is tailored to them.

If you want a more specific protein value the recommended dietary allowance (RDA) is only 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight. Your RDA is generally accepted as a baseline for what you will need to stay healthy. If you have growing kids or you are physically active it is fine to eat more than this amount. If you are trying to lose weight by eating less it is best to eat no less than your RDA to stay healthy.

If you are a member of weight loss direct here is another great way to figure out how much protein you should be eating.


Here’s what you can do:

  • Determine your Daily Caloric Intake: While on your WLD program in Phase 4, you can do this by adding the DCI (Daily Calorie Intake) and the BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate) obtained from your Body Composition Analysis and then dividing by 2.
  • Next, decide what percentage of your diet will come from protein. The Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2015-2020 recommend that protein should account for somewhere between 10% and 35% for adults. The more active you are the higher percentage you should use and vice versa.
  • Take your percentage and multiply that by your DCI to determine how many calories from protein you should account for each day. To get grams per day you can divide by 4 (4 calories = 1 gram of protein).
  • VOILA! Time to get eating.


What are good sources of protein?

Once you know how much protein you need in your diet there are many different ways to get that protein.

As discussed before one of the best ways to get protein is from complete proteins. Complete proteins contain all 9 essential amino acids which can help you simplify your diet.  Here is a quick list of complete plant-based proteins: Quinoa, Tofu, Buckwheat, Hemp seeds and Chia seeds. Animal proteins are also complete proteins. This includes meat, poultry, eggs, fist, and dairy.

Complete proteins are a great way to simplify your diet but they are not the only solution to your protein needs. Many people get their protein from incomplete sources. Incomplete sources of protein can range from nuts and beans to protein bars and shakes.  Protein bars and shakes can still be healthy and they aren’t only for people that work out daily. Its just important to keep whole foods in your diet as well!

Weight Loss Direct actually has a protein shake LeanMost that can help you make the most out of your diet and still hit those suggested daily protein values! Scroll past the takeaway to find out more!


The Takeaway 

Having a balanced diet is an important step when trying to lose weight or stay healthy. Protein is an important part of any balanced diet so its we feel its crucial to understand how you can optimize your protein intake. Its also important to remember that eating the right amount of protein is just as important as eating the right kinds of protein. Complete proteins are the most beneficial so eating whole unprocessed meats or plants like soy or quinoa will provide the best results. However, not all proteins need to be complete. Eating foods like energy bars or drinking a protein shake can also good sources of protein!

By using your weight and lifestyle you can get a rough estimate of how much daily protein you need in your diet. Weight Loss Direct also has personal coaches that can help you make a more educated and accurate assessment of your needs.





LeanMost is a whey protein formula that can help our clients maximize their diets effectiveness without sacrificing their health.

LeanMost Whey formula includes at-least 15% GMPs (Glycomacropeptides).

The higher the GMPs communicates quality and better health for your body.

GMP percentages in your whey protein of 15% or higher indicates that the product has been processed less and is closer to its natural form. Many other whey products struggle to hit 5% GMP meaning they have been extremely cooked down, processed, and denatured. Not great for health.

We know natural foods are what our bodies prefer and utilize WHEY better to support health. Processed foods amount to more work for the body to breakdown foods to try and get the nutrients needed to stay healthy. Lessen the stress on your body with the right whey protein in your diet.

Learn more about how you can utilize LeanMost Whey during your program by scheduling an informational call OR call a Wellness Coach directly at 833-953-4732 to order LeanMost Whey today!

We’re “whey-ing” in & saying support health with natural, whole foods as best you can & live your most beautiful, healthy life!